Useful links
There are many sources of information available on raingardens and SuDS, including the technical elements of design and construction.
Here is a list of organisations and information sources, some with links, and some which can be found via a websearch.
If you have a link you think would be useful to add please contact us.
The CIRIA and susdrain (think ‘sustainable drainage’) websites provide links to resources and training including webinars and CPD. On susdrain, you’ll find a knowledge hub which provides information for developers, approvers, designers and champions, as well as a range of case studies. Invaluable resources found on these websites, and setting out standards, include The CIRIA SuDS Manual, and information on construction and maintenance. The B£ST tool provides a structured approach to evaluating a wide range of benefits from blue-green infrastructure (particularly SuDS and natural flood management) and is downloadable and free.
The Metropolitan Glasgow Strategic Drainage Partnership (MGSDP) provides a series of webpages with links, examples and case studies. Of particular interest when devising engaging design team meetings and public consultation is the Living, Working, Playing with Water document, produced by the MGSDP in collaboration with the University of Glasgow.
The Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE) website contains information on SuDS with downloadable resources. One of the most interesting aspects of SuDS is the cross disciplinary nature of design teams involved.
The Landscape Institute can provide details for landscape architectural practices with specialism in raingardens and SuDS. Their website includes links to further information and publications including Achieving Sustainable Drainage commissioned with the Construction Industry Council (January 2019).
Sewers for Scotland provides technical standards for SuDS systems which will vest by Scottish Water. When planning built development it is important to consider the maintenance of raingarden features and whether they will be vested. This should not preclude the design of truly multifunctional raingardens, it should be considered at an early stage.
For information on community led schemes, Slow the Flow Calderdale has a well-established volunteer programme, creating leaky dams and promoting raingardens at work, home and school. Their website includes case studies, downloadable information leaflets, as well as videos of natural flood management solutions at work.
European Union Life funding has been used to successfully fund retrofit SuDS and raingardens, search for Augustenborg (Sweden) and Queen Caroline Estate (London).
The Thames 21 Project, based around the River Thames in London, has an informative website, including a sustainable drainage section which focusses on aspects relevant to raingardens, as well as providing more detailed information on the urban water cycle and drainage.
As in Scotland, the use of SuDS is statutory in Wales. SuDS Wales – The National Surface Water Management and SuDS Group (previously known as the SuDS Working Party for Wales) has been set up as a multi-organisation group to support the implementation of solutions to tackle surface water issues in Wales and encourage collaborative working.
Climate Scan is an interactive web-based map application for international knowledge exchange on ‘blue-green’ projects around the globe. It focuses mainly on the topics surrounding the areas of urban resilience, climate proofing and climate adaptation.